Here you can find images of some of the wonderful and most intriguing critters in Lembeh Strait. With many thanks to our guests who contributed to this underwater photo and video gallery.

Photos by Luca Petrella (2024)

On Instagram

Shrimp riding a Nudibranch - Lembeh Underwater Gallery Orangutan Crab - Lembeh Underwater Gallery Mandarinfish 2 - Lembeh Underwater Gallery

Photos by Andreas Ahrens (2023)

Harlequin Shrimp 2 - Lembeh Underwater Gallery Blue-Ringed Octopus - Lembeh Underwater Gallery Mandarinfish - Lembeh Underwater Gallery
Hairy Frogfish - Lembeh Underwater Gallery Ornate Ghost Pipefish - Lembeh Underwater Gallery Ghost Pipefish - Lembeh Underwater
Flamboyant Cuttlefish - Lembeh Underwater Gallery Zebra Crab - Lembeh Underwater Photography
Ribbon Eel - Lembeh Underwater Gallery Nudibranch - Lembeh Underwater Gallery

Photos by Faycal Chabini (2023)

On Instagram and Immersedlens Photography

Hairy Octopus - Lembeh Underwater Gallery Bobtail Cuttlefish - Lembeh Underwater Gallery Harlequin Shrimp - Lembeh Underwater Gallery
Black Ribbon Eel - Lembeh Underwater Gallery Mantis Shrimp - Lembeh Underwater Gallery Octopus - Lembeh Underwater Gallery Newborn Cuttlefish - Lembeh Underwater Gallery
Coconut Octopus - Lembeh Underwater Gallery Diver and Flamboyant Cuttlefish - Lembeh Underwater Gallery Ornate Ghost Pipefishes - Lembeh Underwater Gallery
Wonderpus in Camoflauge - Lembeh Underwater Gallery Pikachu Nudibranch - Lembeh Underwater Gallery

Photos By Don Silcock (2023)

On Indopacificimages

Blue Ringed Octopus, by Don Silcock - Divers Lodge Lembeh Nudibranch - Diving Lembeh Strait
Coconut Octopus - Diving in Lembeh Strait Pygmy Seahorse - By Don Silcock Snake Eel - Diving in Lembeh Strait Nudibranch - Diving in Lembeh Strait
Flamboyant Cuttlefish - Diving in Lembeh Strait Mimic Octopus - Diving in Lembeh Strait

Photos by Gail Vest & Peter Christen (2023)

Additional Underwater Gallery (2017-2007)

Divers Lodge Lembeh Videos:

Diving Lembeh Strait (2009)

Special thanks to Tommy Vuylsteke and Bruno Van Herck

Bug Dreamer (2017)
Special thanks to Marcelo Johan Ogata